Raise your PIU related complains |
Send SMS/Whatsapp when you have a complain in your department related to PIU (on both numbers)
Send SMS/Whatsapp when your complain get resolved (on both numbers)
PIU Civil - SMS/Whatsapp on 6357078751 and 6357078746
SMS/Whatsapp format to register your complain:
Line-1: #CIVIL
Line-2: #Routine or #Emergency
Line-3: #Your location (e.g. Ward-J1)
Line-4: #Description
SMS/Whatsapp format when complain get resolved:
Line-1: #Resolved
Line-2: #CIVIL
Line-3: #Your location (e.g. Ward-J1)
Line-4: #Resolved on date
PIU Electrical - SMS/Whatsapp on 6357078752 and 6357078746
SMS/Whatsapp format to register your complain:
Line-2: #Routine or #Emergency
Line-3: #Your location (e.g. Ward-J1)
Line-4: #Description
SMS/Whatsapp format when complain get resolved:
Line-1: #Resolved
Line-3: #Your location (e.g. Ward-J1)
Line-4: #Resolved on date
Laboratory reporting system |
Call to ask for sample collection from ward or ICU
Call to dispatch reports to ward or ICU
Ground floor to 1st floor: 6357078743
2nd floor to 4th floor:
Bio-Metric Attendance System |
Download Registration form