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A neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) is an intensive-care unit specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants.

Current bed capacity is 36

Neonatal Intensive-Care Unit is able to

deptarr  Provide sustained life support,
deptarr  Provide comprehensive care for infants born <32 wks gestation and weighing <1500 g,
deptarr  Provide comprehensive care for infants born at all gestational ages and birth weights with critical illness,
deptarr  Provide prompt and readily available access to a full range of pediatric medical subspecialists, pediatric surgical specialists, pediatric anesthesiologists, and pediatric ophthalmologists,
deptarr  Provide a full range of respiratory support that may include conventional and/or high-frequency ventilation and inhaled nitric oxide,
deptarr  Perform advanced imaging, with interpretation on an urgent basis,

Infrastructural Expansion

deptarr  Seperate room for Mothers,
deptarr  Seperate room for Doctor & Nurse,
deptarr  Seperate room for Xray & Isolation,

Unique Disability ID
Betivadhaao Abhiyan (Save the girl child)
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Janani Suraksha Yojna
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