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Government Medical College and attached New Civil Hospital Surat was established in 1964. New Civil Hospital Surat is the largest tertiary care hospital and provides general and super speciality health care services to Surat city and South Gujarat. It also caters to the referral services and research of Leptospirosis cases. This hospital is also a referral center of sickle cell anemia which is prevalent amongst tribal population of South Gujarat.

Govt. of Gujarat and Gio-star made a MoU to start a Stem cell therapy institute in the Surat. Govt. of Gujarat and Gio-star made planning in the consultation with PIU to create infrastructural need and planned a 10 storey hospital building with helipad fecility.

Stem cell therapy represents a promising avenue for the treatment of disorders like

deptarr  Cerebral palsy,
deptarr  Spinal cord injury,
deptarr  Paralysis,
deptarr  Traumatic brain injury,
deptarr  Brain Stroke Osteoarthritis,
deptarr  Autism,
deptarr  PRP for Hair Loss,
deptarr  PRP for Anti-Aging,

Stem cell therapy institute will be very helpful in the field of sickle cell anemia, thalesemia and other genetic disease. Being a tribal region Surat it more prone to sickle cell anemia, thalesemia etc.

Stem cells are class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. They have the unique properties of self renewal and differentiation. Differentiation property of stem cells help them to form another type of cell with more specialized function such as brain cell, red blood cell or muscle cell and also the entire organ. During the foetal development, cells divide, migrate, specialize and form the organ. After birth, stem cells are also present in bone marrow which can be used to treat various diseases.

Stem Cell therapy is a very simple and painless process. Mesenchymal stem cells are injected directly into the synivial fluid in the knee. The whole process is carried out very carefully under sterile conditions. This treatment dose not involve any kind of bleeding or scar formation as it is a simple process not involving any kind of surgery.

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