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New Civil Hospital, Surat was established before five decades in the year of 1964 with the facility of 300 beds for indoor patients with the primary objective of imparting medical education and for extending tertiary level health care for the patients of South Gujarat and surrounding regions. It was the part of the Govt. Medical College, Surat which was established in the same year. Gradually, over fifty years, it has grown to the present size and dimensions with bed capacity of 1230 beds.

The New Civil Hospital, Surat has stood the test of time and shined through all the adverse conditions and calamities of nature. In the year 1994, when the city of Surat was under the grip of devilish disease of 'Pneumonic Plague', this hospital was the only center to serve the needy and helpless people of the community. During that period the entire medical team of the hospital was functioning, mobile, alert round the clock and it was due to the professional dedication of all the staff of this hospital that with in no time city and the people of the city were taken far away from the fear of the disease. Similarly, in year 2006 when the flood has taken toll on the whole Surat city and District, New Civil Hospital had become the hub of all health related activities to serve the affected people and along with the State health department, worked to prevent the epidemic of any sort.

In the present date, Bed capacity of the Hospital is 1230 Beds. It caters to the needs of nearly 3000 patients on outdoor basis and on an average 200 patients are admitted as indoor patients. There are spacious, well ventilated and furnished general wards and special A.C. rooms. Outdoor patient department is well equipped with Registration counter with computers, Help desk, comfortable seating arrangements, public health education facility, stretcher & wheel chair bay, drinking water & sanitation facilities and speciality and superspeciality consultation services. Hospital has its own round the clock Ambulance services with well equipped, ultramodern Ambulance vehicles and 'ICU on Wheels'.

To provide latest health care, Medical education and research, Hospital is equipped with most sophisticated, ultramodern and state of the art- equipments and instruments. For better diagnostic services, there are NABL accredited laboratory services encompassing Pathology, Biochemistry and Microbiology and NABH accredited Blood bank in Immuno-histology and Blood Transfusion department. Have 24 operation theaters to cater to the community at large, out of which nine are State of Art modular operation theaters.

The special mention over here is that all these facilities are available to the patients free of cost or at very nominal charges in certain cases. Not only this but hospital is functioning in outfield medical facilities with its mobile units and reaching to the remotest areas to serve the people those who can't afford to reach up to the doors of this hospital.

Hospital has its own Trauma Center and Emergency Medicine Department to cater emergency services 24*7. Hospital has its own nursing college to train the youngsters those who wish to serve the needy and those who really know why a nurse is called a sister. Since last four years, Physiotherapy College with annual intake of 30 students has started under the New Civil Hospital, Surat, with its separate college building and hostel facility. The ART center of this hospital is awarded the Best ATR center in the state serving maximum number of patients with its allied PNC Clinic and STI Clinic.

All together more than five hundred medical personnel, about fifty technical staff, nearly four hundred nursing staff, approximately three hundred non-technical and supporting staff is in function to run the hospital services round the clock. Administration of the hospital is controlled by Medical Superintendent for whose assistance there are Resident Medical Officer and Chief Matron (nursing) those who perform their duties under the guidance of MS.

Hospital has its own neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) and Himophilia Care Center. We are providing free treatment of Hemophilia such as factor therapy and its ancillary services like physiotherapy and family counseling, blood investigation like factor level assessment, radiological investigations, CAT scanning, MRI, complicated knee and other joint surgeries, etc. NICU is an intensive-care unit specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants. Current bed capacity of NICU is 36. Recently UNICEF team visited our hospital for NICU services. For the well equiped ward and excellent services, UNICEF allowed to use its logo on NICU Ward.

With the vision and mission to serve the community, Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) was started in 2006 in New Civil Hospital. Through RKS many patient welfare projects are undertaken to provide health care, infrastructure development, purchase of medicines and equipments/ instruments, Water & sanitation facility, transport facility for the patient population. The New Civil Hospital, Surat also serve the community through many National Health programmes like RCH, MCH (Maternal and Child Health), NRHM, RNTCP, NLEP, NACO, RSBY and Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana etc.

To sum up, The New Civil Hospital, Surat established in year 1964 has grown & attained present size of infrastructure and dimensions of services in last fifty years. Our institution has grown spectacularly achieving notable success in many directions and reached up to present size. The academic, clinical and Community activities are at par with any institution of excellence. The mission, goals and objectives, as well as the overall activity of administrators, faculty and staff in New Civil Hospital, Surat support a dedicated effort in preparing students for compassionate patient care, excellence in research and scholarship, and socially conscious service. This hospital gaining and maintaining the faith of the people of this city and marching forward with the motto to serve each and every person of the society whom so ever needs the medical assistance of any sort. I wish more number of people takes the benefits of this institute whenever they need services as this institute provides health care which is at par with any institution of excellence.

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